Facade Grant



To provide financial incentives to business and property owners to assist them in façade preservation and restoration that demonstrates enhanced and superior appearance and aesthetic improvements to a business, neighborhood, and/or frontage on the public right-of-way.

Fast Facts:

* Facades are defined as an individual storefront or building side which faces the public right-of-way or is otherwise visible to the general public

* The grant amount is up to $1,000 per downtown façade based on a 50-50 match . Applicant project costs must total more than $2,000 in order to receive the maximum grant amount. 

* Project cannot be completed prior to the submittal of the application ( it can however be started prior to the application approval)

* Each applicant/business is limited to a max of $1,000 in grant money per   fiscal year.

* Façade Grant  Program Guidelines & Applications are available by clicking here

* Maximum processing time is 45 days from receipt  of qualified applications

*  Applications may be submitted on the first calendar day of January, April, July, and October.  Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis per quarterly cycle. 


Facade Grant Application can be found here.

construction man